ISSN 0254-3737 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6167 (Online)
- 32 Industrial Concentration and Profitability in the Korean Manufacturing Sector Kap Young Jeong발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 31 Foreign Exchange Rate Determination : Basic Theories and International Evidence Kil Man Shin발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 30 The Different Distribution of Randomness Across Countries and Heckscher - Ohlin Model Woo Taek Kim발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 29 A Re-examination on the Tiebout Hypothesis and Migration: A Case Study on the City and State Governm Kyung Moon Yoo발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 28 A Theoretical Analysis of the Efficient Provision of a Public Good Wan Kyu Park발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 27 The Welfare Approach To the Measurement of Policy Impact Pyung Il Yu발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 26 Inflation , Money Creation , and Capacity Utilization Ronald D . Gilbert / Jae Ki Lee발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 25 The Macroeconometric Model of Effects of U . S . Policy Mix on Korea : Some Simulation Results Kiheung Kim발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 24 Import Demand , Factor Substitution and Technological Change for Korea , Taiwan and Japan : The Tran Jung Mo Kang발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1
- 23 External Debt and Optimum Exchange Rate for Developing Economies : An Asset Approach Jongmoo Jay Choi발행년도 1986Vol. 2No. 1