KER Special Issue : Covid-19 – Economic Effects and Responses (Deadline : February 28, 2021)
  • 관리자
  • admin@kea.ne.kr
  • 2020/12/23

The special issue aims to reflect the full breadth of the pandemic’s impact on both Korea and world economies. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:


 - Effects on financial, labor, and commodity markets

 - Effects on education, health, crime, and family formation

 - Changes in the pattern of international trade

 - Monetary and fiscal policy responses

 - Industry’s and firms’ responses to the pandemic

 - Long-term economic impacts of the pandemic


There are no restrictions on the length of individual papers. We are open to all methodological approaches.


Submission Process:


Authors should submit papers electronically online to the Korean Economic Review (KER) at EE system, 



Authors should select special issue “Special Issue Papers” (the last category) when asked to indicate the "Category of submission" in the submission process. All papers will be refereed. There is no submission fee. For additional information, please contact us at kereview1985@gmail.com. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2021. The KER will publish the special issue in 2021.